Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Happy Note About Bathrooms

This past weekend we had a chance to stop by the Palermo model we first visited. Over the past few months, the only model I have seen is the Rome in our neighborhood. Going back to the Palermo model I was pleasantly surprised to see that the master bathroom is significantly wider than the Rome. I felt like I had a dance floor in there. That will definitely be an upgrade for me and the DF when we're getting ready for work in the morning.

And that concludes today's thought!


  1. That's nice! What I loved about the Rome is the two walk in closets in the master. JEALOUS!!

  2. I'm sure that was a nice realization; a little more elbow room than what you thought is a nice bonus.

    I really like the elevation you picked. They are building quite a few Palermos in our neighborhood but I don't think I've seen any like the on pictured on your selections tab. Can't wait to see it come together.
