Friday, January 25, 2013


That's all the news there is. Our SR said our projected build start is mid-February, so now its just the wait-for-the-date game. In the meantime I'll continue to enjoy hearing about all the builds, closing, post-move-ins and good times that you all are sharing.


  1. Yaaay congrats Brian. That means ours should be coming soon I hope. Our loan appt was on 11/8 but we signed our contract on 9/30/12.

  2. Hey Brian, met one of your future neighbors on facebook. Lot 135. I will send them the link to your blog.

    1. Awesome! Looking forward to meeting more of our current and future neighbors.

  3. Good news! I just found your blog - it looks like we're on about the same timeline (we're building an Avalon). Nice selections - can't wait to see how your house progresses.

  4. Huge congratulations to you, Brian! Applying for loan can go smoothly if you have the right documents in hand, enough knowledge about the process, and your trusted financing company to back you up. Isn't it nice to know that you are a huge step closer to you dream house?
    Sunset Payday
